On 19th December Rotarians, partners and guests held the annual Xmas Dinner at the Red Lion. A great start to the Christmas season
On the 5th December 2024 The Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale held a business meeting at the Red Lion. During the meeting the annual Special General Meeting was held which confirmed that the accounts for the previous year had been approved and signed and discussions were had with regard to future Club officers.
On 28th November The District Governor, Philip Wilbourne visited the Club and gave an excellent presentation on environmental concerns and the involvement of Rotary.
On 21st November Derrick Willmot spoke on the "Panama canal".
During November a plaque organised by PP Alan Goodall was placed at the entrance to the Red Lion indicating that Scarsdale Rotary meets here. On the 14th November David Templeman spoke on "Two Queens and a Countess" including the Bess of Hardwick.
On 7th November our ladies joined the meeting for a talk on the Chesterfield Parish church. Colin, the Churchwarden was given a donation to the Chesterfield Parish Church Trust
On 31 October at a Rotary meeting the at the Red Lion there was a talk on border collies and a donation of £50 was made to the Border Collie Trust.
On 24th October at the Rotary meeting at the Red Lion Anthony Willmot presented an illustrated puzzle evening.
The Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale held a speaker meeting on 17th October at the Red Lion, Stanedge when the speaker was Barry Thompson who conducted what he described as a miserable quiz.
The Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale held a business meeting on 3rd October and a speaker meeting on 10th October when the speaker was on the "Sheffield Gang Wars". Dr Peter Stevens was installed as the President of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale at the meeting on 26th September 2026 held at the Red Lion and Peak Edge Hotel. The speaker for the evening was PP Clive Robbins who spoke about China.
Neil Baker PHF resigned as President of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale on the 5th of September 2024.
President Neil Baker chaired the business meeting on Thursday the 22nd of August 2024, at which 17 members and guests were present. We were pleased to welcome Phil Cooper, who brought greetings from Rotary clubs in New Zealand. Our speaker for the evening was Richard Carden, of Chesterfield Borough Council, who gave a very informative presentation on the Council's work putting the Levelling Up and Town Deal funds to good use, in regenerating parts of Chesterfield Town Centre. David Cromwell thanked Richard and all those involved for 'putting in the hard work to get those things done'.
19 members were present at the Rotary club meeting on Thursday the 15th of August 2024, to hear PP Brian Harrison PHF give a presentation entitled ' My Passion for MG Cars'. Brian's talk gave rise to many questions about MG and other classic cars, which quite a number of the members have owned over the years.
President Neil Baker chaired the business meeting on Thursday the 8th of August 2024, at which 17 members were present. In his report, Neil updated members on the joint project with Derby Rotary Club for the Ghana Creche project. Maurice Poole PHF ran the July Foundation Draw, the winners of which were: First prize - David Cromwell, second prize - Neil Swanwick and third prize - Arnold Fear.
President Neil Baker and his wife Jill joined 33 members, their ladies and guests to the weekly meeting of our Rotary club, at the football stadium on the lovely warm evening of Thursday the 1st of August 2024. Secretary Derrick Willmot introduced his guests, Ed and Beryl Willmot, who kindly rents some of his fields to the joint Rotary Ashover Car and Bike show. PP Peter Bateman reported that in addition to the proceeds of the Antiques stall, the event itself was set to raise in region of £10,500 for Charity, spread across the three participating clubs of Chesterfield, Matlcok and Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary. Peter thanked all those who helped make the event such a success.
Alan Goodall introduced our speaker, for the evening, Stefan Andrejczuck who was accompanied by his wife Wendy. Stefan gave a very fascinating insight into the Country of South Korea, the way of life of its people and his management of the development of Marks and Spencer Stores there, in the 1990s.
Thanks to members and friends of Rotary who helped make this year's Ashover Car & Bike show such a success. Rodger Heathcote's Antique stall raised £487.55. Pictured below is the winning car - a lovely blue Sunbeam Alpine.
18 members were present at the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, at the football stadium, on Thursday the 25th of July 2024 to hear our very own Jim Crowther give a very illuminating talk on a 1980s England cricket tour of Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka, from a spectator's viewpoint.
Neil Baker and his wife Jill hosted the President's Party on Sunday the 21st of July 2024. Thankfully, the weather behaved itself and a lovely afternoon of fun and fellowship was had by all. Our thanks go to everyone who attended, including our sons Colin and Ted and Ted's wife Hannah and especially to Alan and Marie Goodall, for their help on the day and with the preparations. President Elect Dr Peter Stevens presented Jill with a wonderful bouquet of flowers.
President Neil Baker chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale on Thursday the 18th of July, where 15 members were present. Neil gave a talk on 'Mine Gas Extraction and Power Generation' a subject he was heavily involved with for over 25 years.
On Tuesday the 9th of July 2024 President Neil, Secretary Derrick Willmot, PP Peter Bateman and PP Dr Peter Stevens attended a very rewarding day of mock interviews, for Year 10 and 12 students, at Staveley Netherthorpe School, which was organised by Miss T Richardson, Admin Assistant for Personal Development & Exams at the school.
President Neil Baker chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale on Thursday the 4th of July, where 18 members were present. The immediate past president, Neil Swanwick PHF, very ably and humourosly entertained everyone with Quiz entitled 'Famous Neils'. Maurice Poole PHF ran the June Foundation draw, the winners of which were: In first place Derrick Willmot, with Malcolm Smith second and Brian Harrison in taking third place.
Below is a picture of the new team for the Rotary Year 2024 took over at the handover meeting on Thursday the 27th of June 2024. From the left are: Vice President PP Peter Beardsley PHF; President Neil Baker PHF and President Elect PP Dr Peter Stevens. Outgoing president Neil Swanwick handed over his chain of office and thanked all those in the club who had contributed to making his year such a success. Neil gave a special thanks to Alan Goodall for organising the social programme and awarded him Fellowship Cup, which was presented to the club by the Pauline Wilkie in memory of her husband and former member Bill, who sadly passed away during the year.
On the 13th of June 2024 we welcomed the incoming Assistant District Governor, Dr Mike Hardman MD PHF, of Buxton Rotary, to our Club Assembly. Mike is pictured with Secretary Prof. Derrick Willmot, President Neil Swanwick, President Elect Neil Baker and Vice President Peter Stevens.
President Neil Swanwick chaired The Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale's meeting, which was held on Thursday the 23rd of May 2024. Our guest for the evening was President Tom Molloney of the Matlock Rotary Club, who gave a presentation on his career in the professional security business, beginning with the Pinkerton Detective Agency. PP Ron Enock PHF thanked Tom, on behalf of those present, for his fascinating talk.
Immediate Past President, Peter Bateman organised this years' past president's dinner at The Cricket Inn, Penny Lane, Totley, Sheffield, on Tuesday the 21st of May 2024 - a good time was had by all!
The Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale held its May business meeting and AGM on Thursday the 16th of May 2024, which was chaired by President Neil Swanwick, PHF. Maurice Poole, PHF ran the Foundation Draws for March and April and the winners were as follows.
March: 1st Clive Bolland 2nd Alan Goodall 3rd Alan Wilkinson
April 1st Peter Bateman 2nd Roy Cutt 3rd Ron Enock
22 members were present when President Neil Swanwick PHF chaired the fellowship meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale on the 2nd of May 2024.
President Neil Swanwick PHF welcomed David Pedlar from the Rotary Club of Woolaton Park to our meeting on Thursday the 25th of April 2024. David spoke to us about the initiative of 'Developing Membership Through Projects' which also helps companies fulfill their corporate social responsibility requirements by: Increased sales and customer loyalty; Helping to attract talent and retain staff; and, Providing volunteering opportunities.
President Neil Swanwick PHF chaired the fellowship meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, which was held at the Football Stadium on Thursday the 18th of April 2024.
Prior to the meeting quite a number of members attended a tour of the Barrow Hill Roundhouse, which was organised by Peter Kennan.
We were interested to see the engines and to hear Mervyn Allcock MBE tell us the history of the saving of the Roundhouse from demolition and its successful development to a thriving enterprise and show us how the turntable operated.
Peter later joined us for our meeting.
President Neil Swanwick PHF chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale on Thursday the 28th of March 2024.
Our guests for the evening were: Eric Shaw Phillips PHF, Chair of the International Committee of the Rotary Club of Derby, Neil Kerfoot, CEO of Village-by-Village and his wife Anna, who spoke to us about their charity's work in addressing the challenges of uplifting remote rural communities in Ghana, by providing clean water, basic sanitation and a chance of better education.
President Neil pledged a donation of £200 from our club to the charity.
Thursday the 7th of March 2024 - President Neil Swanwick, PHF and PP Clive Robbins, PH with Leigh Allwood from Ashgate Hospice, being presented with a cheque for the sum of £2,822.11, following the Christmas collection at the Tesco Superstore in Chesterfield. Leigh thanked all members of the club for their continued support for Ashgate Hospice. Later that evening, Maurice Pole ran the Foundation draws for January and February, which were won by the following members.
January: 1st Clive Robbins; 2nd Derrick Willmot; 3rd Maurice Poole February: 1st Jim Crowther; 2nd Steve Pettett ; 3rd Neil Baker
President Neil Swanwick, PP Brian Harrison Chair of the Foundation and International Committee, PP Rodger Heathcote, Rotarian David Cohen and their wives, were invited to a lunch put on by the Ukraine Group and volunteers at the Central Methodist Church, on Saltergate, in Chesterfield, on Saturday the 2nd of March 2024.
The event was superbly hosted by Julia, the group's interpreter and the Mayor of Chesterfield, Councillor Mick Brady gave an address to the audience.
Everyone was regally treated to a celebration of Ukraine, its culture and its values in dance, and with delicious traditional food. As you can see from the photos below, many of the ladies and children wore traditional dress.
President Neil Swanwick led a large group of members on a visit to the Brampton Brewery, in Chesterfield, where we sampled the great beers, had fish and chips from the local chippy and listened to two interesting talks by the Head Brewer and MD, Chris Radford on the history of the Brewery and how their beers are brewed.
Monday the 19th of February 2024 saw the annual joint meeting with 41 Club, at the Hardwick Inn.
Pictured below is President Neil Swanwick and his top table guests who attended the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale's 43rd Charter birthday celebration, on Thursday the 15th of February 2024 at the SHM Group Stadium, in Chesterfield. From the left are: Prof. Derrick Willmot and his wife Pat; David Stopher and President Ingrid Stopher, of Chesterfield Rotary Club; President Neil Swanwick and his wife Pam; District Governor Richard Vergette; Councillor Mick Brady, the Mayor of Chesterfield and the Lady Mayoress, Councillor Suzie Perkins then our guest speaker Prof. David Adams and his wife Ros.
David gave a very enlightening and interesting talk on the discovery and development of Ibuprofen, by his father, Stuart, whilst working for Boots the Chemist in Nottingham. President Neil handed Cllr. Brady a cheque for £200 to the Mayor's charity. a
President Neil also presented David a cheque for £50 for his chosen charity.
A good time was had by all!
President Neil Swanwick, PHF welcomed members and guests to the Burns Supper celebrations, on Thursday the 25th of January 2024. The Haggis was ceremonially piped in by PP Alan Goodall, PHF.
President Elect Neil Baker PHF chaired the weekly meeting on Thursday the 18th of January 2024, when the subject for discussion was 'Animals'.
Thursday the 11th of January 2024 - President Neil Swanwick, PHF presented a cheque for £1,000 to Graham Weighill (Chair) and Paula Weighill (Treasurer) of the Staveley & District Royal British Legion, from the proceeds of last year's Poppy Ball. Both Paula and Graham are members of Bolsover Rotary. Maurice Poole, PHF drew the Foundation Draw: The winners were: 1st Clive Bolland; 2nd Malcolm Smith; and, 3rd Ron Enock.
Past President, Secretary David Foster passed away on the 13th December. David was a lovely, gentle man with a great sense of humour who we will all remember fondly. Our thoughts are with Dee and their family.
Rotarian David Melton passed away on the 20th December, our condolences go to his wife Pat and their family.
PP Clive Robbins PHF organised this year's Christmas Collection at the Tesco Extra Supermarket in Chesterfield, on Friday the 15th and Saturday the 16th of December, which raised a grand total of £2,541.00 for Ashgate Hospice.
Thanks to Clive, the people at Tesco and all those who helped and especially to the Tesco shoppers who gave donations!
President Neil with PP Brian Harrison PHF, Foundation and International Chair PP Rodger Heathcote (who took the photos!) delivered toys and presents to the Central Methodist Church, on Saltergate, for the children from Ukraine, to help them at Christmas. Our thanks go to Sandra Pink for her invaluable help in coordinating this very worthwhile event. Rodger sends his special thanks to all those club members and friend who donated the toys.
President Neil Swanwick PHF chaired the monthly business meeting on Thursday the 7th of December 2023, at which 25 members were present. Maurice Poole PHF was in charge of the Foundation Draw, the winners being: 1st Clive Robbins; 2nd George Caldicott; and, 3rd Alan Goodall.
The speaker at our meeting on Thursday 30 November was Richard Vergette, the District Governor. Richard is also a dramatist and actor, and a member of Epworth and Isle of Axholme Rotary Club.
He thanked the Club and praised us for the work we did in raising funds, including donations to End Polio Now, Aquabox, Shelterbox, the Rotary Foundation and local charities, all of which help to save and transform lives.
He also referred to District initiatives promoting The White Ribbon campaign, the “climateclever” Charity, and business partnerships”
Thursday the 2nd of November 2023 was an informal evening with all members being present speaking for a minute on the subject of their first car, organised by VP Peter Stevens.
President Neil announced that the club will be supporting the Chesterfield Flood Victims Appeal, which is being coordinated by the Lifehouse Church in Brampton, to the tune of £100. The meeting on 26 October 2023, was chaired by resident Neil Swanwick, PHF.
Neil introduced Danny Webb of DAAS (Derbyshire Alcohol Advisory Service), who gave slide presentation on the work of Stand To, which provides Community Services for Derbyshire Veterans.
President Neil pledged a donation of £50 to Stand To.
PP Derrick Willmot, PHF thanked Danny for a clear presentation which was well received by those present.
Elaine Handley of DASS later wrote 'I wonder if you could formally extend our thanks to your Rotary club of Scarsdale for the very kind contribution to the work of the STAND TO project. Any funds kindly donated make such a difference and enable us to pay volunteer expenses, buy equipment for activities, hold events and pay for refreshments for our team and the veterans they support. I can assure you that we will put the funds to good use and once again thank you for your kindness and generosity.'
President Neil Swanwick chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale on Thursday the 5th of October 2023, at which 23 members were present.
Wine was provided by Alan Goodall and Arnold Fear, who both shared a birthday!
Our guest speaker for the evening was Phil Cooper, who was born in Sutton-in-Ashfield but now lives a good part of the year in New Zealand. Phil gave an illustrated talk on his career in Cricket, from his 22 seasons as a professional to time coaching at Wanganui and Hawkes Bay and Christchurch.
Thursday the 28th of September was a Fellowship Meeting, chaired by President Neil, with the subject for informal talks being 'Sports Grounds'.
16 members attended the club's business, meeting on Thursday the 21st of September 2023, which was chaired by President Neil Swanwick. Maurice Poole, PHF ran the August Foundation Draw, the winners of which were: 1st David Melton; 2nd Steve Pettett; and, 3rd President Neil.
President Elect Neil Baker, PHF chaired a fellowship meeting at the SMH Stadium on Thursday the 7th September 2023, where Barrie Thompson gave a short impromptu talk on a particular train journey, of his!
On the 24th of August, President Neil Swanwick, PHF welcomed members to a fellowship meeting at the SMH Group Stadium where the subject of short presentations was “Trains”.
A fine weather interlude was all we needed on Sunday the 20th of August 2023, for the BBQ at Marie and Alan Goodall's lovely home, in aid of support for the local Ukrainian refugees. Here, PP and Treasurer Roy Cutt, PHF dons his Chef's gear to cook the steaks and sausages. Thanks to those who attended and the ladies who prepared the salads, potatoes and puddings! The event raised £550 plus gift aid.
On Thursday the 17th of August 2023, members met at the SMH Group Stadium, in Chesterfield, for a fellowship evening.
President Neil Swanwick chaired the weekly meeting at the Football Stadium on Thursday the 3rd of August 2023, where 22 members were present to see Roger Cassidy and Dom Wish Trustees at Aquabox, give us an update on recent developments at the charity, which Rotary is pleased to support. Dom told us about the development of the Aquaboost programme, to increase output of filter assembly and Roger demonstrated how effective the filters are in purifying dirty water, which is so valuable when disaster strikes. President Neil then gave Roger a cheque for £400 towards their continued work in this well-regarded charity.
The rain held off long enough for an enjoyable afternoon at President Neil and his wife Pam's picnic, which was hosted by Alan and Marie Goodall, on Sunday the 30th of July 2023.
President Elect PP Neil Baker, PHF welcomed members to the meeting on Thursday the 20th of July 2023, where we PP Arnold Rear, PHF took us on a humorous tour of his career in banking. Treasurer PP Roy Cutt PHF reported that the Car & Bike Show was on course to deliver £1,000, for charity, to each of the three participating clubs who put on the event.
The annual Joint Car and Bike Show took place at Ashover on Sunday the 16th of July 2023. Below is PP Peter Beardsley with some of the winners and a few on the many vehicles which entered this year's event.
Looks like the King made it to Rodger's Bric-a-brac Stall and met Malcolm and his wife Christine!
18 members were present at President Neil Swanwick chaired the first Business Meeting of the new Rotary Year, on Thursday the 6th of July 2023.. PP John Hull reported that our recent donation to CSALS (Community Save a Life Scheme) was put to good use to provide a training course at Newbold Scouts headquarters on St. Johns Road in Littlemoor.
On Thursday the 29th of June 2023, Dr. Peter Bateman handed over the office of club president to Past President Neil Swanwick PHF, for the coming Rotary Year, 2023-24. PP Neil Baker becomes President Elect, while PP Dr. Peter Stevens becomes Vice President. But before handing over, Peter presented awards of a second Sapphire to Neil Baker, 1 Sapphire to Neil Swanwick and a Paul Harris Fellowship Award to Dr Andrew Matthews for his services during the Pandemic.
25 members were present on the 22nd of June, when President Peter Bateman chaired the weekly meeting. Dr Peter Stevens was quiz master for the evening, with the vote of thanks being given by John Day.
President Peter Bateman chaired the meeting on Thursday the 25th of May 2023. PP Professor Derrick Willmot, PHF gave us a talk centred around a trip many members made to the Royal College of Surgeons, Faculty of Dental Surgery in England, which took place in PP President Clive Robbins' Year, while Derrick was Dean of the faculty. A very lively Q & A session followed, which was rounded off by a humorous vote of thanks given by PP Brian Harrison, PHF.
President Peter Bateman chaired the meeting on Thursday the 27th of April 2023, at which Dr Anthony N Bethel MBE (Tony) gave an interesting and nostalgic insight into his life and career entitled 'A chameleon from Manchester.
President Peter Bateman chaired the business meeting on the 20th of April. Maurice Poole, PHF ran the Foundation Draw and the winners were as follows: 1st prize Mike Miller 2nd prize Alan Wilkinson, with Neil Baker third.
On Thursday the 30th of March 2023, our Pres. Elect Neil Swanwick PHF was host to John Box, District Foundation Chair and previously the Polio "Champion".
President Peter Bateman presented a donation of £1,000 to Keith Mosley of East Midlands Air Ambulance on Thursday the 23rd of March 2023.
After we all had listened to a very fluent and enlightening presentation by Tony Carter, Chairman of the local Dicky Tickers Cardiac Rehabilitation Club, on Thursday 16th March 2023, President Peter Bateman presented Tony with a cheque for the charity.
Peter also presented Long Service Awards to the following members: Anthony Willmot 35 years Peter Beardsley 30 years Alan Goodall 25 years
In addition John Hull was Awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship.
Later Maurice Poole ran the monthly Foundation draw which was won by George Ling, with John Botham second and John Hull third.
President Peter Bateman chaired the weekly meeting on Thursday 2nd March 2023. Members heard Simon Cork give an illustrated talk on 'America in the Gilded Age' Simon was introduced by PP Rodger Heathcote PHF and Maurice Poole gave the vote of thanks.
President Peter with some of his Top Table Guests at our club's 42nd Charter celebration on Thursday the 16th of February 2023. Pictured from the left are: Master of Ceremonies - Roy Cutt Our Speaker - Frank Falcon and his wife Helen President Peter The Worshipful Mayor of Chesterfield - Councillor Tony Rogers District Governor - Martyn Bye and his wife Susan
President Pat Willmot, Chair of Chesterfield Scarsdale Inner Wheel, was also on the top table. Members were joined by many guests, representatives from other Rotary clubs and Inner Wheel to hear Frank give an in-depth and fascinating presentation entitled 'Solving the Enigma Code'. President Peter presented a cheque to his Worship the Mayor of Chesterfield for his chosen charity. John Day, Mike Miller, Arnold Fear, John Coker, Clive Robbins and Roy Cutt all received long service awards.
President Peter Bateman is pictured above presenting a cheque for £2,000 to Ashgate Hospice, following the Christmas collection at Tesco in Chesterfield.
President Peter Bateman chaired our club's weekly meeting, on Thursday the 2nd of February 2023, at which 25 people were present. PP John Coker introduced Julia Smith, a qualified and experienced Infection Control Nurse, with Rotherham Hospital, who will soon be embarking on serving another term with Mercy Ships. Julia will be joining the latest ship, Global Mercy, which is equipped with a C. T. Scanner, purchased from funds donated by Rotary International.
Here Julia is pictured receiving a cheque for £1,000 from Peter, as part of our Rotary club's continued support for the valuable work Mercy Ships does.
President Peter Bateman, members and guests enjoyed this years' Burns Supper, at the Technique stadium, on Thursday the 26th of January 2023. Our MC for the evening, David Melton, lead the evening's proceedings, which kicked off with live music by World Champion Piper Major Cameron Edgar and was followed by contributions from the entertainment team.
President Peter Bateman, presenting a cheque for £1,000 to Julie Wheelhouse and Debbie Newton of the Derbyshire Stroke and Neuro Therapy Centre, on Thursday the 19th of January 2023.
Julie and Debbie gave a presentation to the club of the developments at the Centre during 2022. In that year, our previous donation helped fund the purchase of their 6th bus, so they can bring more service users to the Centre. Julie also explained how their dedicated staff use music, dance, movement and animal therapies to aid recovery and assist those affected by stroke and other neurological conditions.
On Saturday the 14th of January 2023, President Peter Bateman, presented a range of toiletries, as well as winter clothes for children at Central Methodist Church, where the displaced Ukrainians meet.
The clothing was purchased from ‘GO Outdoors’ at significant discounts. The work was undertaken by David Cohen, Chesterfield Scarsdale Foundation and International lead, assisted by his wife Sandra Cohen, of Chesterfield Scarsdale Inner Wheel, with help from Maurice Poole and John Hull.
The clothes and toiletries were purchased from monies distributed from a Rotary Foundation Disaster Response Grant.
Below, is President Peter handing over a cheque to Sandra Pink from Links CVS (The Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire Council for Voluntary Service and Action Limited) and Sue, one of the volunteers at the Church, for the cost last weeks’ Christmas Party.
On Saturday the 7th of January 2023, our Rotary Foundation / International Chairman, David Cohen, his wife Sandra and Neil Baker attended the Christmas Party organised for the people of Ukrainian, who have been staying in our area, due to the war in their country. Some 120 people attended. We all had a very good time and enjoyed the lovely Ukrainian food and entertainment. Rotarian George Ling and his wife Jackie and fellow supporters of the Central Methodist Church, on Saltergate, all helped to make the event run smoothly. Our special thanks go to Sandra Pink for her invaluable help in organising this wonderful event. Happy New Year!
President Dr Peter Bateman welcomed members, their wives, partners and friends of Rotary to the 2022 Christmas party, at the Technique Stadium on Thursday the 15th of December 2022. A good time was had by all. Thanks to our M.C David Melton, Roy Cutt, Peter Beardsley, Neil Swanwick, David Cromwell and Arnold Fear for providing the entertainment. Thanks also to Pat Willmot for accompanyig the singing on the piano.
Before the Business meeting, on Thursday the 8th of December 2022, President Peter Bateman presented a cheque for £1,000 to Martin Thacker MBE JP, President of the Staveley & District Royal British Legion. The money was raised at November's Poppy Ball.
On Sunday the 4th of December President Peter, President Elect Neil Swanwick, David Cohen (Foundation and International Committee Chairman) and Maurice Poole took 10 Adults and 11 Children from the local Ukrainian refugee group to visit Eureka, the National Children's Museum, in Halifax. By all accounts, everyone had a lovely time!
President Peter Bateman chaired the weekly meeting on Thursday 1st December 2022. John Day welcomed our speaker, Philip Riden, who gave a presentation about his involvement with a writing a book on The History of Hasland (including Birdholme, Boythorpe, Corbriggs, Grassmoor, Hady, Spital and Winsick). Look out for the new book next year on Wingerworth! Clive Bolland thanked Philip and said he was sure that many members had learnt a lot about Hasland, one of the 11 parishes/townships that made up old Chesterfield. Later Clive was presented with the Bill Taylor Golf Trophy, which he won at the weekend.
President Elect PP Neil Swanwick PHF chaired the weekly meeting of the club on Thursday 24th November 2022 - PP John Hull introduced our speaker - Paul Leonard, S.I.O. Tactical Adviser, Tactical lead, Kidnap, South Yorkshire Police, who gave a very fascinating talk on preserving crime scenes and the collection of forensic evidence. P.E. Neil presented Paul with a donation for a cancer charity in Sheffield, which he supports. The vote of thanks was given by PP Alan Goodall PHF. Treasurer PP Roy Cutt PHF informed members that the recent Poppy Ball had so far raised £846.
President Peter Bateman with Dr Dan Crook, one of the EMICS doctors who responds in the Chesterfield area, who gave a talk to the club at the meeting on Thursday the 17th of November 2022.
On Wednesday the 16th of November PP John Hull, Chair of the Community and Youth Committee, and David Hays PHF put up the Chesterfield Scarsdale Christmas Tree, at the Church of Saint Mary and All Saints, in Chesterfield.
President Peter Bateman chaired the weekly meeting on Thursday the 3rd of November, where David Hays PHF introduced Jessica (Jess) Fletcher, who spoke passionately to us about her and her family's involvement in the work of producing custom made pens, which she sells in aid of Chesterfield Hospital's mental health charity. After the presentation, many members met Jess bought pens and other gifts from her collection. Jess thanked everyone and told us later that the evening raised £240. For more information please see Fletcher's Pens and Bitz on Facebook.
On Saturday the 29th of October 2022, Rotary Foundation / International Chairman, David Cohen, his wife Sandra, Neil & Jill Baker and Ron Enock received a very warm welcome from all at the Central Methodist Church, on Saltergate, where they added the clothes, donated by club members, to the collection which the Church have provided for people from Ukraine, who are living in the area, because of the war.
On Thursday the 27th of October 2022, President Peter Bateman presented a cheque for £1,500 to Jayne Briggs, for the North East Derbyshire Music Centre, one of his chosen charities for the year. Jayne explained that there are 1270 young people attending the various music centres around Derbyshire which provide much needed tuition from String and Folk Emsembles, to Jazz/Swing Bands.
On Thursday the 20th of October 2022, President Peter Bateman chaired the meeting at which 26 members were present. Anthony Willmot introduced Sarah Dufton, digital PCSO from Derbyshire Police, who spoke to us about how to protect oneself from Cybercrime and Fraud. Arthur Young thanked Sarah for such an interesting presentation.
President Peter Bateman and Friend of Chris Lightfoot organised a very successful trip to Liverpool, from Monday 17th October to Wednesday 19th October 2022. The weather was very kind, which made the trips out very enjoyable. Here is the President and a few of us a Crosby Beach, the home of 100 cast-iron statues by Antony Gormley.
On Thursday the 13th of October 2022 – 9 members went with President Peter to a joint meeting with the Rotary Club of Warsop, Shirebrook and District.
President Peter Bateman chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, at the Technique Stadium, on Thursday the 29th of September 2022. Below is President Peter presenting a cheque for £1000 to CSALS, (Community Save a Life Scheme), which was represented by Debra Johnson and trustee, Past District Governor Cheryle Berry MBE.
Vice President Neil Baker, PHF was in the chair, on Thursday 22nd September 2022, as 21 members were present to hear Rotarian David Melton speak about - 'My Time in Malaysia'. Members were very interested in the presentation, which was followed by quite a number of questions. PP Ron Enock PHF, thanked David for such an enjoyable talk.
President Peter Bateman chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, at the Technique Stadium, on Thursday the 15th of September 2022. PP Brian Harrison, PHF gave an interesting presentation on the history of Low Pavement and the Market Area of Chesterfield, including the thwarting of plans to demolish the historic buildings to make way for a much enlarged shopping centre. Below is Brian's drawing of the Low Pavement as it was in the 1970s.
VP Neil Baker chaired the meeting on Thursday the 25th of August 2022, when Past District Governor and PP of Sherwood Sunrisers, Val Leivers PHF, gave us an update on her tireless work to empower young women and girls in the 'India Unseen Project'.
Below, Val points out the young girl, Husna Kauser, who the club has previously sponsored, and who is now getting a good education and is learning to sew, so she can better support herself, in the future.
Val gave an outline of her work, over many years, to provide educational facilities for young people from the poorest communities. Our host for the evening and Chair of the International/Foundation Committee, David Cohen, presented Val with a cheque for £300, as part of the club's on-going support for this worthwhile project.
President Peter Bateman chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, at the Technique Stadium on Thursday the 18th of August 2022. 25 members were present to hear Jim Crowther's guest, Dr Brian Stone, speak about his book on Derbyshire's part in the First English Civil War (1642-1646), from the fortification of Derby to the defeat of the Royalist forces at South Wingfield Manor. PP Derrick Willmot PHF, thanked Brian for a fascinating insight into those events and for a great talk.
In very warm sunshine on Sunday the 14th of August, President Peter Bateman thanked Peter & Colleen Beardsley for hosting this years' BBQ, Chef Roy, Maurice and David who organised the walk beforehand and all those who helped make this event so enjoyable. The event raised £170 for charity.
President Peter Bateman chaired the meeting on Thursday the 11th of August 2022, where 26 members heard Gemma Shooter give a presentation, from Scotland via Zoom, entitled 'Wolf at the Door'. Gemma, who was introduced by her father-in-law and fellow club member Andy Shooter, explained the methods used to train a wolf pack of 16, which was led by Jax and Ruby, in order to equip them for more settled lives in various zoos and other locations around the world. PP Brain Harrison PHF, thanked Gemma for a very interesting and enlightening presentation.
22 members were present when President Peter Bateman chaired the monthly business meeting at the Technique Stadium on Thursday the 4th of August 2022. Maurice Poole, PHF ran the Foundation Draw and the winners were: 1st D Willmot, 2nd B Thompson and 3rd D Cromwell.
President Peter Bateman chaired the weekly meeting at the Technique Stadium on Thursday the 28th of July 2022. Peter introduced PP Clive Robbins, PHF, who gave a very interesting presentation of a walking trip to the Himalayas.
President Peter Bateman and Inner Wheel President, Pat Willmot, welcomed members and guests to the Joint President's Garden Party, at Pat and Derrick's home, on Sunday the 24th of July 2022. President Elect PP Neil Swanwick PHF thanked Pat and Peter for hosting us all and for providing such excellent food!
President Peter Bateman chaired the weekly meeting at the Technique Stadium on Thursday the 21st of July 2022. Peter welcomed our very own John Grant, who spoke to us about the current situation in Zimbabwe, a country in which he had spent much of his life.
The Rotary Ashover Car & Bike Show, which took place on Sunday the 17th of July 2022, which was jointly organised and run by the Rotary clubs of Chesterfield, Chesterfield Scarsdale and Matlock. Our PP Peter Beardsley, PHF ran things for our club. Peter reported that initial figures indicated that, after expenses, the event has raised over £12,000 for charity. Peter thanked all those who helped put the show on and PP Rodger Heathcote PHF thanked all those who contributed things to sell on the club's stall.
President Peter Bateman welcomed Deputy District Governor, Dave Ashley, from Belper & Duffield Rotary Club, to our weekly meeting, on Thursday 14th July 2022. 24 members were present. DDG Dave gave a presentation on behalf of the DG, Martyn Bye, entitled 'Imagine Rotary', which stimulated many questions about the way forward for our organisation.
President Peter Bateman chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, which was held at the Technique Stadium on Thursday 7th of July 2022, at which 29 members were present. Maurice Poole PHF ran the June Foundation draw, which was won by: David Cohen in first place; with Arthur Young second, while Ron Enock was third. PP Clive Robbins PHF announced that his Pembrokeshire Coastal Walk raised £650 for Aquabox.
Immediate Past President Alan Goodall PHF chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, which was held at the Technique Stadium on Thursday 30th of June 2022, at which 31 members were present. Alan handed over the chain of office to the incoming president for the Rotary year 2022/23, Peter Bateman. President Peter will be joined by President Elect PP Neil Swanwick and Vice President PP Neil Baker PHF.
22 members were present when President Alan Goodall PHF chaired the business meeting on Thursday 9th June 2022. Members voted to elect founder member, John Botham as an honorary member, for his long service to the club. Maurice Poole PHF ran the May Foundation draw, the winners of which were: 1st President Alan, 2nd Barrie Thompson and 3rd PP John Hull.
The weather could not dampen spirits for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Party on Sunday the 5th of June 2022, which was held at President Alan & Marie's home. Members and guests joined President Alan Goodall and Inner Wheel President Liz Cromwell in a toast to Her Majesty The Queen. President Alan also thanked PP Peter Beardsley PHF, the Social Committee members and all those who helped to put on the event.
Thursday 2nd June - Uttoxeter Race Day
Our AGM took place on Thursday the 19th of May 2022. At the start of the meeting the 26 members who were present stood for a minute's silence in memory of Rotarian Phil Round, who has sadly passed away. Maurice Poole PHF ran the April foundation draw. The winners were: 1st Neil Baker; 2nd Arnold Fear; and, 3rd John Grant.
Thursday the 12th of May 2022 saw President Alan Goodall leading a party of Rotarians, wives and partners cruising and having lunch on the River Trent. Our thanks go to PP Peter Beardsley PHF, Social Committee Chairman, for organising the event.
On Thursday the 28th of April 2022, President Alan Goodall chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale. Our speaker for the evening was Cliff Lea. Cliff, who is Chairman of NEDIAS (North East Derbyshire Industrial Archeaological Socieny) gave a very interesting presentation of one of Derbyshire's greatest sons, James Brindley, the canal systems and other projects he worked on. Cliff said he would waive his usual fee in view of the charitable work Rotary took part in.
Thursday 21st April, there was no meeting, as it was Easter Bank holiday week.
President Alan Goodall chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale at the Technique stadium on Thursday 14th April 2022. Members were treated to a very entertaining quiz, which was organised by PP Peter Beardsley PHF.
President Alan Goodall chaired the business meeting on Thursday 7 April 2022 at which 22 members were present. Maurice Poole PHF held the Foundation Draw, the winners were as follows: 1st Barrie Thompson; 2nd Bill Wilkie and 3rd place Phil Round.
President Alan with several members attending the Warsop, Shirebrook and District Rotary Club's 52nd Charter celebration, at the Hostess Restaurant in Sookholme, on Monday the 4th of April 2022.
President Alan Goodall chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, on Thursday the 31st of March 2022. President Elect Peter Bateman welcomed Rotarian Mike Storr, who gave an affectionate look at some of his favourite Music Hall laughter makes, between WW1 and its demise in the 1950s. In the photograph, below, Alan presents Mike with a cheque for £100, to his nominated charity, Asthma UK.
PP Clive Robbins showed the club one of the 30 timber planter boxes which have been made for Deer Park Primary School in Wingerworth, so the children there can plant trees in them as part of the Queen's Jubilee celebration. Below are PP Roy Cutt and PP Clive with some of the completed boxes. David Hays and PP David Foster were also part of the team who made them. Our thanks go Permafast Ltd. of Clay Cross, for donating the fixing screws!
On Thursday 24th March 2022, David Cohen organised a visit to Nottingham Castle, which was well supported. A good lunch was had at the Trip to Old Jerusalem!
PP Neil Baker stood in for the President for the meeting on Thursday 17th March 2022 - when David Hays introduced Neville (Nev) Buckle and Simon from the Pleasley Pit Trust. Nev showed archive films of the colliery from its history, through its closure and then the rescue and restoration of the historic steam engines and winding houses. Ron Enock thanked New and Simon for a fascinating run through of the pit's history and on behalf of the club wished the Trust every success for the future.
Treasurer Roy Cutt confirmed that the club had raised £1,200 to support aid for the Ukraine disaster appeal. It was subsequently decided to donate this money to Shelter Box charity, which Rotary supports. The District Newsletter of March 2022 states that Shelter Box is opening a location in Poland to address needs over many months.
Thursday 10th March Business Meeting Maurice Poole, PHF ran the Foundation Draw for the last 2 months. The winners wer as follows. JANUARY First; George Caldicott Second; Simon Havenhand Third: Arnold Fear FEBRUARY First; John Coker Second; Philip Round Third; John Day
On Thursday the 3rd of March 2022 President Alan Goodall welcomed Ann Norris to our club for the evening. Ann spoke about her life's work to teach people with disability in Albania and her latest project to collect packets of vegetable seeds, to enable people to grow their own food and maybe sell a little of the surplus. Anthony Willmot thanked Ann for her moving and well-illustrated account of the work to provide services for disabled people there.
On Monday the 21st of February 2022, members held an enjoyable joint meeting with 41 Club at the Hardwick Inn. Or very own Arnold Fear gave an very interesting talk on local history.
President Alan Goodall PHF, presents a cheque for £1,000 to John Wallace, Chairman of the Staveley Branch of the Royal British Legion, on Thursday 17th February 2022. The money was raised at last year's Poppy Ball.
John thanked members for the donation and spoke about the 'Grand Pilgrimage 90' which followed the steps of the 1928 Great Pilgrimage, when veterans of the First World War visited the sites in Northern France, where so many lost their lives.
On Sunday 13th February 2022, President Alan Goodall PHF welcomed fellow Rotarians, friends of Rotary and his guests to the 41st Charter anniversary celebration lunch and the Technique Stadium, in Chesterfield. In the photograph below, President Alan is pictured with his guests: PP David Cromwell PHF; Our Speaker PP Arnold Fear and his wife Eleanor Fear; Rob Wadd PHF from Chesterfield Rotary Club; President Liz Cromwell, of Chesterfield Scarsdale Inner Wheel; President Alan Goodall PHF and his wife Marie Goodall; District Governor PP Martyn Bye PHF of Carlton Rotary Club; and his wife Joint President Susan Bye, PHF also of Carlton Rotary Club.
Thursday 10th February 2022 - President Alan Goodall hands over a cheque for £1,000 to Martin Thacker MBE, Chairman of NEDDC, as a donation towards the Council's Ashgate Hospice appeal.
Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary Club's Burns Supper celebrations took place at the Technique Stadium on January the 27th 2022 and was organised by Rotarian David Melton.
The proceedings began with President Alan Goodall welcoming Rotarians partners and guests and PP Arnold Fear saying the Selkirk Grace.
The Haggis was then piped in by Senior Pipe Major PP Prof. Derrick Willmot with PP Arnold then addressing the haggis and a translation provided by PP David Cromwell.
The after supper entertainment was provided by: PP Peter Beardsley, who spoke about Burns Night Across the Ages; PP David Cromwell, who gave a talk entitled The Scottish Plague; PP Neil Swanwick who gave The Toast to the Lassies; and President Liz Cromwell, of Chesterfield Scarsdale Inner Wheel, who gave The Reply to the Toast to the Lassies and the Toast to the Laddies.
President Alan then gave his speech to the 'Immortal Memory of the Bard' before closing proceedings, with the final toast and leading all in the singing of Auld Lang Syne.
President Alan Goodall welcomed our District Governor Martyn Bye to the Technique Stadium on Thursday the 20th of January 2022. Martin spoke to us about his background, his career, the current worldwide developments in membership within the Rotary organisation and plans for our district (1220) to become part of a Midlands Cluster with three other clubs.
Martyn also gave us an update on the Rotary project Empowering Girls in India: Sri Sai Vidyarthi High School, Secunderabad - shown in the photo above - which our club has contributed towards.
PP Neil Swanwick thanked Martyn for his upbeat presentation.
Mike, Steve and Chris rounded off the Club's Christmas Party, which was held at the Technique Stadium on Thursday the 23rd of December 2021. President Alan thanked everyone who attended and in particular David Melton, for very ably organising the evening's proceedings, and wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Thanks to all those (including the bandits) who helped with the 2021 Christmas collection in Chesterfield on 21 and 22 December 2021!
President Alan Goodall PHF welcomed 25 members to the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale on Thursday 16th December 2021. Our speaker for the evening was Edward Owen, Home Improvement Co-ordinator at North East Derbyshire District Council, who spoke to us about energy efficiency in homes, renewable power, insulation and the Council's climate change commitments. Edward also outlined the 'Green Homes Grant' scheme voucher, which can go towards the cost of installing energy efficient improvements to one's home. PP Brian Harrison PHF thanked Edward for coming to talk about the potential for people to save money on energy cost and where they should best focus their efforts, to do so.
President Alan Goodall PHF presented a cheque for £1000 to Julie Wheelhouse and Debbie Newton, of the Derbyshire Stroke and Neuro Centre, at the meeting held at the Technique Football Stadium on Thursday 9th December 2021. The donation was towards the centre's efforts to raise funds for a new bus and a therapy pod. PP Brian Harrison, PHF thanked Julie and Debbie for the wonderful job, they and all of those at the centre do for the community.
The Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale continues to support Aquabox - below is David Cohen, Foundation and International chair and his wife Sandra presenting a cheque for £500 to David Wildgoose, Aquabox Depot Manager, on the 7th of December 2021.
At a recent meeting, PP Neil Swanwick presented President Alan with two banners from District recognising Chesterfield Scarsdale's contributions to the Rotary Foundation charity and End Polio Now.
President Alan Goodall of Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary and President Liz Cromwell of Chesterfield Scarsdale Inner Wheel welcomed all those who attended the Carol Service, at All Saints' Church, in Wingerworth on Monday 6th December 2021. The music performed by the Phoenix Concert Band, together with mince pies, tea and coffee being served in the church hall afterwards, ensured the event was a resounding success!
28 members, 4 guests joined President Alan Goodall PHF at the Technique Football Stadium on Thursday 25th November 2021, to hear the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Angelique Foster talk to us about her role, since her election to the post in May 2021 and her plans for the remaining 3 years of her term. PP Neil Swanwick PHF thanked Angelique for her very interesting and explanatory presentation and, on behalf of the club, wished her every success for the future. 27 members joined President Alan Goodall PHF at the Technique Football Stadium on Thursday 11th November 2021, to hear our speaker, Chris Gardner talk about 'Tools with a Mission'. Chris explained how this very worthwhile charity was founded by Christian groups to collect pre-owned tools and send packs of them to Africa to enable the very poor to be educated in their use and to help them earn a living.
President Alan Goodall welcomed members, their wives, partners, guests, members of the public, and representatives from the local Royal British Legion and the Armed Forces Veterans Association, to the Centenary Poppy Ball, held at the Technique Football Stadium, on Saturday the 6th of November 2021.
Among those attending were Martin E Thacker MBE JP, President of the Staveley AFVA and President Paul Cooper of Bolsover Rotary Club, who was representing the Royal British Legion.
Our thanks go to PP Clive Robbins and his wife Linda for organising the event and for all those who attended and donated tombola prizes which helped to make the evening such a success, raising close to £1,000 for the Poppy Appeal.
The business meeting on Thursday 4th November 2021 was chaired by President Alan Goodall, PHF.
Past President John Hull chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, at the Technique Stadium on Thursday 28th October 2021. Mike Miller organised a 'fill-in-the-blanks' quiz, related to football clubs, which gave members a lot to think about!
Instead of an evening meeting, members of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, wives and partners went to visit the International Bomber Command centre in Lincolnshire, on Thursday 21st October 2021, organised by David Hays PHF.
President Alan Goodall welcomed Past District Governor, Dr Jill Bethell of Dronfield Rotary, to our meeting at the Technique Stadium on Thursday 14th October 2021. We were all very pleased to hear our speaker - Darren Moore from Hasland Baptist Church of - talk about the charity Aquaid Lifeline Malawi and the Poly Tunnel erected, by the villagers, using last year's donation of £750 from the club. It is always gratifying to hear how the donations make a real difference.
Maurice Poole PHF drew this month's 50/50 Foundation Draw. The winners were: First prize President Alan Second prize John Grant Third prize Barrie Thompson
President Alan said Darren had given 'the most moving and inspirational presentation he'd ever seen while being in Rotary' and donated his winnings of £50 to Aquaid.
Monday 11th October to Wednesday 13th October - visit to the Chequers Inn, Bishop Thornton, near Harrogate. Great walks around Bishop Thornton, Shaw Mills and the Nidd Valley, plus visits to local places of interest. Afterwards, lovely food and good company were enjoyed at the Inn. President Alan Goodall PHF thanked Maurice Poole, PHF for organising such a great trip.
Thursday 7th October 2021 saw President Alan leading the Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary team in Crown Green Bowling at Stand Road Bowling Club. Tea, coffee and very enjoyable cakes we kindly provided by the bowling club. Bowling was followed by a meal at Chesters Fish & Chip Restaurant, on Sheffield Road. Tea, coffee and cakes we kindly provided by the bowling club.
President Alan Goodall PHF welcomed 29 members to the Technique Football Stadium on Thursday 30th September 2021. David Hays PHF introduced Elizabeth Holloway, who spoke about living aboard a 17 tonne flat-bottomed narrow boat, for 5 years on the English waterways. Peter Beardsley thanked Liz for such an interesting account of an amazing life experience.
24 attended the Dronfield Walk on Thursday 23rd September 2021, which was followed by Dinner at The Blue Stoops. Ellen Outram (Blue Badge - Peak District and Derbyshire Tourist Guide) took us round the historic centre of Dronfield, pointing out the many Listed buildings and gave us a fascinating history of the town. Our thanks go David Melton, who ably organised the event, which we all enjoyed.
On Thursday 16th September 2021, President Alan Goodall welcomed 26 members and his guest, President Elect Ken from Scotland, to the monthly business meeting. Maurice Poole, PHF ran the Foundation Draw; the prize winners were: 1st David Hays - £50 2nd David Melton - £20 3rd David Hays - £10.
Bike bell boost for hospice Ashgate Hospice was presented with a cheque by the Chesterfield Canal Trust and the Rotary Club of Scarsdale Chesterfield at Hollingwood Hub. The money was raised as part of an initiative to encourage the use of bells by cyclists along the towpath. This followed a few complaints by walkers that they had been startled by bikes coming up behind them without warning. The Rotary Club provided a large box of bicycle bells. These were given away free to cyclists at the Chesterfield Canal Trust’s Information Centre & Shop at Hollingwood Hub. In return the pedallers were asked to make a donation to Ashgate Hospice. The highly successful campaign ran for several weeks until the bells had all gone. Alan Goodall, President of the Rotary Club of Scarsdale Chesterfield, said: “We are very pleased to have been able to contribute towards this initiative. We believe that the towpath will now be safer for all its users and we are delighted that Ashgate Hospice has been able to benefit in the process.” Chesterfield Canal Trust spokesperson, Rod Auton, said: “We gave away free bells so that cyclists can give a warning to walkers. Ever since the first lockdown, the Chesterfield Canal towpath has been busier than usual as many local people have discovered this glorious green oasis right on their doorsteps. “Whilst the vast majority of cyclists are polite and go at a moderate pace, a few seem to be in a hurry. This can lead to problems if they come up behind walkers unexpectedly. “We are very grateful to the Rotary Club of Scarsdale Chesterfield for their incredible generosity in providing these bells.”
The Harvest Festival, made a successful return to the club's programme this year. The festival was held at the Chesterfield Golf Club, on Thursday 26th August 2021, where it raised £350 for the Club's charity fund.
PP George Ling MBE PHF and PP and Honorary member PP Peter Blake PHF were among the many members and guests, who attended the Harvest Festival. President Alan thanked all of those who had contributed to the event's success, especially PP Peter Beardsley PHF for organising it and PP Neil Baker PHF for acting as auctioneer, for the night.
On Thursday 19th August 2021, President Alan Goodall welcomed 25 members to Technique Stadium to hear our speaker, Peter Slater, talk about his career as a sports broadcaster, including his recent trip to the Tokyo Olympics and his work on Radio 5 Live. President Elect Peter Bateman thanked Peter for a very entertaining talk.
The Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale met at the Technique Football Stadium on Thursday 12th August 2021. President Alan Goodall welcomed Past District Governor Val Leivers and her husband Terry. Val Leivers is a Rotarian and retired teacher who has supported the Sri Sai Vidyarthi School in Secunderabad, India for several years. Val works among the very poor in the country, which she referred to as the 'Hidden India'. Below is President Alan presenting Val with a cheque for £300, which is to be used to sponsor a girl to be given training and be supplied with a sewing machine for 3 years, in order that she may be equipped to earn a proper living, when she grows up.
On Sunday the 8th of August 2021, Immediate Past President John Hull took on the chain of office, one more time for the celebration of the 40th year since the club's formation, at the Technique Football Stadium.
John welcomed members, their wives, guests and ladies from the Inner Wheel Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, including their President, Liz Cromwell.
Our very own PP Arnold Fear PHF gave a very interesting and entertaining speech summarising the principal events, which have taken place, over the club's history, including the raising over £350,000, for local and international charities, since 1981.
Two founder members, John Day and John Botham PHF were present and John Day gave the vote of thanks. The event was ably organised hosted by David Hayes PHF.
Rotary President Alan Goodall and Inner Wheel President Liz Cromwell hosted their Joint Presidents' Party on Sunday 1st August 2021.
Over 40 members and guests attended the party and enjoyed the lovely food and good company. Pictured below is President Alan, his wife Marie, Presndet Liz and her husband David.
Thursday 29th July 2021 saw the club return to the Technique Stadium for the first meeting since lockdown restrictions were lifted. President Alan Goodall welcomed 28 members to hear our speaker, Philip Riden, talk about 'Chesterfield Streets and Houses Past & Present'.
Above, President Alan Goodall PHF receives a cheque from PP Peter Beardsley, PHF for £5078, the club's share of the proceeds from the Ashover Car and Bike Show. The Ashover Car & Bike Show, was run by 3 local Rotary Clubs was held on Sunday 18th July, one of the hottest days of this year. This Event had record breaking high temperatures, the largest number of car and bikes on display and the most visitors ever in the history of the Show. Organised by the Chesterfield, Matlock and Chesterfield Scarsdale Clubs, the whole event was declared a great success by Rotarian Peter Beardsley, speaking on behalf of the Event Committee and the many volunteers and helpers. With over 1,000 Vintage and Classic Cars and Motorcycles on display, attracting over 1200 Visitors on the day, the three Rotary Clubs involved raised over £15,000 for local charities and good causes from the Event. Prizes for the Best Car and Best Bike were presented by The President of Matlock Rotary, Tom Moloney. The winning car was a 1966 5.2 litre Chevrolet Sting-Ray and the prize was presented to the Chief Mechanic and his father Corrin Mellor. (Picture). The Best Bike was a 1947 350cc Velocette Racing motorbike owned by Mark Bellamy. Responses from the visitors and exhibitors was a positive, ‘Great Show and Great to be ‘out’ again’ at such a wonderful event!’ Enjoying the sunshine and the offerings of the many stall holders and refreshment providers, together with walking the large area of exhibits on such a hot day was a tiring experience and everyone went hope after enjoying the longed-for ‘first day out’. Rotarians and helpers from the three clubs, and volunteers from Clay Cross Rotary looked after the separate Exhibit and Pedestrian entrances, together with the large public car park adjacent to the main site. Cleanliness and litter picking was by the local Scout Group. Adherence to the Covid-19 Rules on social distancing was the order of the day and plenty of signs and sanitizer were available to remind the many happy and smiling visitors and exhibitors. Thanks go to the many local Sponsors of the Event and for the Council and Insurers support on the day, and the first-aid help provided by the St John’s Ambulance team.
Fantastic weather makes the Rotary Ashover Car & Bike Show, on Sunday 18th July 2021, the place to be. Below is some of the Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotarians and their with their wives, between their duties as stewards. Thanks to all the people who attended, the helpers, organisers and the Scouts, for making the day such a success.
PP Rodger Heathcote commented: Many, many thanks to all you great people, for being so generous with your treasured books, but also thank you to all the lads who helped me on the day, before the day and after the day. We had a lot of laughs and raised £201.10p for the charity fund. Well done all, Thanks again for the help.
President Alan Goodall welcomed 24 members to the Zoom meeting on Thursday 15th July 2021, which was centred around a web presentation on behalf of Rotary International, from Oregon in the USA, on a programme to replace the 3 billion fires, used worldwide for cooking in homes, with 'clean' safer cookstoves.
Immediate Past President John Hull welcomed 27 members to the handover meeting, for the new Rotary year (2021-22), on Zoom on Thursday the 1st of July 2021. John handed over the role of president to PP Alan Goodall, PHF. President Alan thanked John and the retiring Council members for a marvellous effort to keep the club afloat during the pandemic. Maurice Poole drew the Foundation 50/50 Draw for July 2021. The winners were: 1st Prize Peter Beardsley 2nd Prize John Botham 3rd Prize George Ling - who asked for his winnings to be left in and so be donated to charity
President John Hull welcomed 27 members, meeting on Zoom on 24th June 2021. VP Peter Bateman introduced Alan Bush (from Sherwood Sunrisers Rotary Club) who spoke to us about a partnership between Rotary GB and Ireland and Carers UK, making carers visible across the UK. Alan explained that in June 2020, Rotary and Carers UK announced a 12 month' partnership to support the millions of unpaid carers in the everyday challenges they face caring for loved ones. Andrew Matthews thanked Alan for explaining to us the astounding facts about the number of carers, including young carers and the work involved to support them. President John thanked all members who had supported the club, on Zoom, during this extraordinary year.
President John Hull welcomed 24 members, our Club Assembly (10th June 2021) on Zoom, which was attended by Assistant District Governor David Hopkins. Maurice and June Poole drew the Foundation 50/50 Draw for May and June 2021. The winners were: for May 1st Prize Neil Swanwick 2nd Prize David Hays 3rd Prize Neil Baker for June 1st Prize Derrick Willmot 2nd Prize David Foster 3rd Prize Peter Bateman
President John Hull welcomed 27 members, our speaker and his guest Joy Hales, Editor of the Derbyshire Life Magazine, to our Zoom meeting on Thursday the 27th of May 2021 to listen to our Speaker: Ashly Franklin talk about 'My Derbyshire Life'. Ashley took us on a virtual tour around Derbyshire talking about villages and towns he has researched and those he knows well such as Milford a - land of mills and honey and Tissington where the famous well dressing takes place. The vote of thanks was given by Anthony Willmot who gave a big thank you for giving us some much interesting detail about the history of life in Derbyshire.
Members joined Rob Wadd and members of the mother club to set a up planter at Chesterfield Railway Station.
President John Hull welcomed 29 members to our Zoom meeting on Thursday the 13th of May 2021 for the AGM and to hear our speaker, Mike Kelly, who was introduced by PP Rodger Heathcote PHF. Mike gave a very interesting presentation about the Cromford Canal - The Sleeping Beauty - part of 3000 miles of the British waterways network. The route of the canal passes under Ripley, goes to Pinxton but, splits off to Langley Mill, although much of the original route needs re-building and restoring. The northern section from Cromford to Ambergate is a Heritage site. Mike explained that the canal was an amazing achievement, with no locks, 4 tunnels, 2 aqueducts and an underground harbour! VP Peter Bateman thanked Mike for an absolutely wonderful talk. PP Rodger asked members to look out for new planters which are to be set up at Chesterfield Railway Station, week commencing 24.5.21, in conjunction with our Mother Club, Chesterfield Rotary.
President John Hull welcomed 25 members and our speakers Ian & Elaine Ward to the Zoom meeting on Thursday the 29th of April 2021. Ian & Elaine, who are from Dronfield Rotary, were introduced by VP Peter Bateman and gave us a very informative talk about Nepal. Elaine described Rotary visits, which took place in 2013, 2015 and following the 2015 earthquake, in 2018. An extract from the Dronfield Rotary website reads: 'The Rotary Club of Dronfield is a proud partner of the Rotary Club of Pokhara Fishtail, in Nepal, Asia. Together, the two clubs operate The Fishtail Fund which has the intention of helping clever children from poor homes to stay on at school.' Elaine explained how Rotary has funded the building of a new school, which opened in 2018. For more information visit: https://www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/page.php?PgID=724393&ClubID=1303
PP Ron Enock PHF thanked Ian and Elaine and their supporting Rotary clubs for their great work and for giving us such a very interesting talk.
On Thursday 15th of April 2021 members, wives, partners and guests attended the ZOOM meeting & Quiz Peter Beardsley, which was won by Brian Harrison. President Elect Alan Goodall thanked Peter for putting together a quiz, which had something for everyone. Maurice Poole ran the Foundation Draw. The winners were: 1st Prize Andy Shooter 2nd Prize Barrie Thompson 3rd Prize Brian Harrison
Thursday the 1st of April 2021 saw President John Hull welcome 26 members Andrew Heading speak to us on Zoom about Alaska - starting with 3 lucky Swedish gentlemen in 1898 who found a seam of gold on the beach! Andrew, who is from Matlock, was introduced by VP Peter Bateman. Andrew's presentation included some wonderful photos of the resulting gold rush and the 1000mile dog sled race commemorating the dog sledge team which, back in the day, brought the diphtheria serum to Nome to mining communities besieged in the middle of winter. The 'mushers' start with 16 dogs and finish with at least 6, resting any that are dropped on the way, which and are then flown back to Anchorage - every effort is made to ensure that the dogs' welfare is maintained, and, as Andrew explained that the dogs wear safety boots. Andrew and his friend Mike cycled the route (as one can attempt the race on other modes of transport) and were just two out of the only 4 finishers of the 125 runners, bikers and skiers who started. Though, about 50 of the 80 dog teams which started ended up finishing! David Hays PHF thanked Andrew for his fantastic talk. President John awarded the following long service awards: 40 years: John Day; John Botham and John Bown. 35 years: Anthony Willmot and Clive Robbins. 30 years: Derrick Willmot and Maurice Poole. 25 Years: Roy Cutt; Peter Beardsley and Alan Goodall. President John also awarded PHFs to David Cromwell and Phil Round, and, upgraded members with PHFs as follows: 1 Sapphire: Neil Baker; Ron Enock; Rodger Heathcote; David Hays and Alan Goodall. 2 Sapphires: Clive Robbins and Peter Beardsley. 3 Sapphires: Roy Cutt.
President John Hull welcomed 29 members to ZOOM meeting on Thursday the 18th of March 2021 to watch Deborah Gray, Specialist in Special Care Dentistry and Assistant Dental Director Special Olympics GB, give a presentation on The Special Olympics. Deborah told us that, Special Olympics is recognised by the IOC and supports 4.9 million athletes over 172 countries. The next summer games should be in held Berlin in 2023. PP Malcolm Smith thanked Deborah for her very interesting talk.
Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary - Laptops and Tablets for Schools - organised by PP Malcolm Smith
Dave Shaw, Headteacher at Spire Junior School, Jawbones Hill, Derby Road, wrote 'Thank you so much to you and all in the Rotary club for the kind donation of the 3 laptops. Thanks again for making a positive difference to our community.'
The laptops were donated by Neil Baker and Phil Round.
President John Hull welcomed 27 members to ZOOM meeting on Thursday the 4th of March 2021. PP Prof. Derrick Willmot PHF introduced our very own Maurice Poole PHF, who gave a presentation entitled 'Chasing The Dragon Part III - Burmese Style' - about restoring steam trains, in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). Maurice spoke about his 500 mile tour of part of the country, off the tourist track around Bago, to see and travel on the three steam locomotives, which had been restored, and ran on oil! PP Neil Swanwick PHF thanked Maurice for his absolutely brilliant talk.
Later, Maurice ran the foundation draw. The winners were: 1st Prize President John Hull 2nd Prize Neil Swanwick 3rd Prize Clive Bolland
Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary - Laptops and Tablets for Schools - organised by PP Malcolm Smith
Rachel Purvis, Headteacher at William Rhodes Primary & Nursery School, sent us this message and the photo, below, of the children with the laptops taken in the school library: Thank you so much for sending the laptops in to school. We really appreciate it! The laptops were donated by Peter Bateman and Clive Robbins.
On the 18th of February 2021 we joined Chesterfield 41 Club for a joint ZOOM meeting. Our speaker Dai Vaughan and members from the Swansea 41 club was welcomed by President John Hull. In all, 58 people logged on to the meeting to hear Dai (David) speak about his life from when he was born in Swansea, in 1937, travelling in taxis, during the war, with large bags of gas on their roofs (early days of alternative energy), National Service and to the Post Office, then in business, as a sound engineer. Dai told us about his fundraising events, in Round Table, with Tom Jones, Harry Secombe and Max Boyce, MBE, a Welsh comedian, singer and entertainer, who shared has a passion for rugby union and the mining communities of South Wales. Past President and former Round Tabler Clive Robbins PHF thanked David for his very amusing and entertaining talk.
Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary - Laptops and Tablets for Schools- organised by PP Malcolm Smith
Past President Malcolm Smith is pictured with pupils from Highfield Hall Primary School, in Chesterfield, and three Venturer Challenger 10, 10.1 inch Android Tablets, which were donated to Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary by Argos. Our thanks go Argos in Chesterfield and to Dawn Shelbourne, of Highfield Hall, who accompanied the children when Malcolm and his wife Christine presented them with the tablets.
President John Hull welcomed 27 members to ZOOM meeting on Thursday the 4th of February 2021. Our very own PP David Cromwell spoke to us about the institutions that sit behind the scenes, such as the Post Office Investigation Branch which was established in 1683. David's talk covered subjects such as the vast amount of worldwide international money transfers which are facilitated by Postal Orders, the Giro Bank and the former underground railway which was dedicated to the movement of the post.
Barrie Thompson thanked David for giving a talk on such a surprising subject.
President Elect PP Alan Goodall PHF gave members a summary of the committees which have been formed to come up with a 'way forward', for the club in the Rotary year 2021-22.
PP Malcolm Smith, of the Community Services Committee, reported that he has been in touch with Argos, in Chesterfield, who have donated 3 brand new tablets for the Club to present to a local school, next week – watch this space!
Maurice Poole PHF, ran the Foundation draw: the winners were: 1st prize Arnold Fear 2nd prize David Cromwell 3rd prize Henry Marsh
President John Hull chaired the ZOOM meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, on Thursday 21st January 2021. The 31 members joined to watch the presentation, given by PP Prof. Derrick Willmot PHF, on Taiwan - An East Asian Tiger. Taiwan, formerly Formosa (beautiful island), the size of Belgium off the coast of China. Derrick took us on a journey through the country, from the capital Taipai, which has the second tallest building in the world, to Chiang Kai-Shek's holiday resort and on to Taichung City. It was fascinating to see a photograph taken by Derrick inside of a TESLA electric taxi-car going down the motorway totally hands-free. PP Neil Baker, PHF thanked Derrick for his very interesting presentation, which followed on from Ron's earlier talk on the South China Sea and gave us much food for thought.
Maurice Poole PHF ran the Foundation draw: the winners were: 1st prize Peter Stevens 2nd prize Phil Round 3rd prize David Melton
On Thursday the 7th of January 2021, President John Hull welcomed 30 members who logged on to the ZOOM meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale. VP Peter Bateman then introduced our speaker, Murray Jacobs, who spoke to us on the "Must Sees" of Cambridge, a virtual tour of this historic city. PP Brian Harrison PHF thanked Murray for his talk and discussed some of hotels he'd worked on and the architectural qualities of the buildings Murray showed us.
On Thursday 17th December 2020 members and their wives/partners logged on to the very entertaining Christmas event meeting, on Zoom, which was very well organised and presented by David Melton.
30 members of the Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary Club and President John Hull joined the Zoom meeting, on Thursday the 10th of December 2020. PP Brian Harrison PHF spoke to us about Chesterfield's Remarkable Houses, including the 17th Century Dunston Hall, Chain Bar Cottage - probably the oldest property on Chatsworth Road, the Woodside, Walton Hall and 'The Antiquity' 191 Old Road, which had two Ox eyes embedded in the Cruck timbers - to watch over the original owners. Maurice Poole PHF and his wife & June drew the monthly Foundation Draw, the winners of which were Roger Heathcote, Henry Marsh and David Melton.
President John Hull welcomed 24 members of the Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary Club to the Zoom meeting on Thursday the 26th of November 2020. Our speaker this evening was John Miles, PHF of Leatherhead Rotary, from Woking, who told us about Global Sight Solutions - a charity which is 25 years old - and which started at Guildford Rotary Club. For more details please follow the link - https://www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/page.php?PgID=727277&ClubID=1452
Global Sight Solutions works with its Rotary club partners abroad to run hospitals to treat the millions of peaple needing eye care, thus avoiding them going blind or to treat avoidable blindness which has already occurred. For example, by 2025 the goal is to provide a minimum of 180,000 cataract operations each year. Our host was VP Peter Bateman, with PP Derrick Willmot running the Zoom platform.
On Thursday the 19th of November 2020 President John Hull welcomed 28 members of the Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary to the Zoom meeting at 7 for 7-30pm. Our very own John Day spoke to us about 'My Childhood in World War 2'. PP Neil Swanwick PHF thanked John for a fascinating, interesting, informative and at times a chilling report of those times. It was a pleasure to have D.G. Dr Jill Bethell MBE, at tonight's meeting, who left us with the message that where possible we should try to encourage younger members into Rotary. Jill also thanked us all for the work we were doing and wished us all well.
Thursday the 5th of November 2020 President John Hull welcomed 30 members of the Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary to the Zoom business meeting and SGM. Vice President Peter Bateman introduced Ken Cooke, who spoke to us about his 'Year as Master Cutler' in Sheffield. Ken was assisted by PP Gerald Swift of Dronfield Rotary Club. The vote of thanks was given by PP Rodger Heathcote, PHF. Maurice Poole PHF ran the first Foundation 50/50 draw, during the Covid situation, the winners were: 1st prize Peter Beardsley 2nd prize Mike Miller 3rd prize David Cohen PP Treasurer Roy Cutt, PHF announced that a £500 donation has been made to both Aquabox and Shelterbox charities this afternoon. We have agreed to denoted £1,500 to Ashgate Hospice.
Thursday the 22nd of October 2020 President John Hull welcomed 27 members of the Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary Zoom meeting, when VP Peter Bateman hosted our speaker President Tom Hunt PHF, from the Rotary Club of Bretby, who spoke to us about the on-going work for eradicating Polio and Rotary's only charity, Rotary Foundation - 'doing good in the world'. This coming Saturday is World Polio Day. Even though only 129 cases of polio have been recorded in the world this year, those being in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the programme must still go on.
Thursday the 8th of October 2020 saw 26 members logging on to the Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary Zoom meeting, hosted by President John Hull. Our speaker was Matthew Price of the Brain Tumour Research Charity. Matthew's host was VP Peter Bateman. The group of charities, Matthew was representing tonight, is calling for a £35 million investment into Brain Tumour research, which Matthew said is currently disproportionately underfunded. President John confirmed that our club would make a £100 donation to the charity, Matthew thanked us for that.
Thursday the 24th of September 2020 - 22 members logged on to the Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary Zoom meeting, hosted by Vice President Peter Bateman. PP President Brian Harrison, PHF organised a quiz to entertain us all. PP Rodger Heathcote, PHF announced that he was meeting a guy called Jim Bower from the Chesterfield Canal Hub, tomorrow, to organise the planting of this year's batch of crocus bulbs, purchased by the club, in aid of the Rotary Purple for Polio campaign.
Thursday the 10th of September 2020 - 28 members logged on to the Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary Zoom meeting, hosted by President John Hull. PP Ron Enock gave a comprehensive and interesting presentation entitled 'Chinese Aggression in the South China Sea' - the construction of man-made landforms and military and other bases in what was once sea.
Thursday 2nd July 2020 - 32 members logged on to the hand-over meeting on Zoom, where the outgoing President David Cromwell announced 30 year-long service awards for: PP Derrick Willmot PHF; Anthony Willmot; and, Maurice Poole PHF. Well done.
David then handed over to incoming President John Hull, who chaired the rest of the meeting. PP Alan Goodall moved up to President Elect and Peter Bateman was welcomed into the role of Vice President.
Monday 29th June 2020 - New Council and Outgoing Council Meeting,
Thursday 18th June 2020 - Club meeting attended by over 30 members on Zoom Speaker - PP Arnold Fear, PHF - 'English as she is spoken'
Thursday 4th June 2020 - Club Assembly Meeting - on Zoom with AG David Hopkins
Monday 1st June 2020 Council Meeting - on Skype
Thursday 14th May 2020 Business Meeting & AGM - By Zoom
President David Cromwell chaired the weekly meeting of Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary, at the Proact Stadium, on Thursday the 12th of March 2020. Attendance Officer, PP Clive Robbins PHF announced that 31 members were present to hear our guest speaker, Neil Carter talk to us about the role of the Derbyshire Community Speed Watch (CSW) and its work, with the support of the Police, to monitor speeds of vehicles using radar speed detection devices. After Neil's talk, a lively discussion ensued about how excessive and/or inappropriate speeding is extremely dangerous and is responsible for many unnecessary injuries, as well as affecting the quality of life of many communities throughout Derbyshire. Members then voted to suspend further meetings and activities while the COVID 19 virus outbreak restrictions apply. It is planned to hold the next Council meeting, on 6th April, via Skype.
Past President Bill Singleton, Community Director, from Clare Rotary, in South Australia, exchanged banners with President David, when he joined us for the monthly business meeting, on Thursday the 5th of March 2020.
President David Cromwell chaired the weekly meeting of Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary on Thursday the 27th of February 2020, which was held at the Proact Stadium. 31 members were present. PP David Rodger Heathcote PHF, introduced David Skillen who gave a presentation entitled ‘The Alamo in Texas’. Maurice Poole thanked David for giving an accurate historical account of the storming of the fort and for his superb visuals.
Our 39th Charter celebration dinner took place at the Proact Stadium, in Chesterfield, on the evening of Thursday 20th February 2020. President David Cromwell and his wife Elizabeth are pictured below with their top table guests: The Mayor of Chesterfield, Councillor Gordon Simmons and his wife Jenny; President of Chesterfield Rotary, Nigel Metham & his wife Stephanie President of Chesterfield Scarsdale Inner Wheel Christine Heathcote and her husband Rodger, District Governor David Hood PHF and the speaker - Tony Sherwood ‘The Not So Secret Agent'. Over 80 members and guests were present at this very enjoyable annual event, celebrating the formation of the club on 29th January 1981. The President made a special point of introducing two of the founder members, John Day and John Botham, who were both present.
President David Cromwell presented Oscar Ryan-Edwards and Esme Freeland, with the Chesterfield Scarsdale Young Musician's Bursary Award. Esme, who is aged 11 is studying the trumpet, while Oscar, who is aged 15, plays guitar, drums and sings in a local band. Oscar and Esme are pictured with Annabella Senior, who currently receives a Scarsdale music bursary. At the start of the evening Annabella gave an accomplished performance, on the violin, of 'Romance' and it was announced that she is to give a recital at the Royal School of Music.
During the evening, DG David Hood presented a number of awards to Chesterfield Scarsdale members, in recognition of past service, on the recommendation of the President and the honours team. Treasurer and Past President Roy Cutt's PHF (Paul Harris Fellowship) was upgraded to Level 3 pin with 2 Sapphires.
Past President Professor Derrick Willmot's PHF was also upgraded to Level 3 pin with 2 Sapphires.
Twice Past President Arnold Fear's PHF was upgraded to Level 2 pin with 1 Sapphire.
Past President John Coker received a level 1 PHF.
And, Past President Rodger Heathcote also received a level 1 PHF.
President David Cromwell presents a cheque for £750 to Tony & Ann Giles on behalf of Mercy Ships, at the meeting of Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary on Thursday 13 February 2020. Also pictured in the photograph is Rotarian Peter Bateman, chair of our Rotary Foundation & International committee, who organised this event.
The President welcomed visiting Rotarian, Dr Tony Bethell MBE, from the Dronfield. 31 members were present to hear Tony Giles give a presentation on the invaluable medical support which has been given across the world, by Mercy Ships, since its inception in 1978. Members have been keen to support Mercy Ships, over the years, so they were pleased to hear that there have now been 2.7 million direct beneficiaries of this work and that the new ship 'Global Mercy' has been launched and is soon to be fitted out.
In 2018 Rotary’s President, Ian H.S. Riseley, challenged every Rotarian to plant a tree to help sustain the planet. Rotary’s love of trees has been passed down from its founder, Paul Harris, to the trees Rotarians are planting today.
On Tuesday 11 February 2020, President David Cromwell and a number of fellow Rotarians joined Peter Storey, Jamie Bingham from Derbyshire County Council and members of the MVLS (Markham Vale Land Services) who all braved the winter weather to commission the planting of one tree for every one of our Rotarians, and a few more besides!
The birch, beech, oak and other trees, supplied by the Woodland Trust, have been planted by MVLS, in the pattern of a Rotary Roundel, on top of the former colliery tip, next to the Markham Vale Environment Centre, off Junction 29A of the M1, in Derbyshire. When they grow the trees will be visible from the Town of Bolsover and its historic castle. Also, look out for them on the future fly-bys of Google Earth.
This project was initially kicked off by Past President Malcolm Smith and then followed through by Rob Wallace PHF in President Ron Enock’s year, before being brought to a successful conclusion this year by our Community Service Chair, Past President Rodger Heathcote.
Peter Storey heads up the County’s team carrying out the redevelopment of the former Markham and Seymour Colliery sites, which, in total extends to about 900 acres, with 600 acres of green space and has so far produced 1628 jobs, across 40 companies and removed the dereliction left by the closure of the former collieries. Jamie Bingham is the Project Engineer, who has specific responsibility for Markham Vale and has made this planting happen.
MVLS are a group of community volunteers, who are based in Unit 14, at Markham Vale, and carry out maintenance of the extensive grounds and footpaths, along which steel statues have been erected to commemorate miners lost in the various disasters at the former Markham Pit.
Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary looks forward to working with Jamie and the MVLS team, next year, in planting thousands of purple crocus bulbs, as part of the Rotary Purple for polio campaign.
Thursday 6 February Business Meeting, chaired by President David Cromwell. Maurice Poole PHF ran the monthly Foundation Draw, which was won by PP Neil Swanwick, with Bill Preston and John Grant taking second and third prizes.
On Thursday 23rd January 2020, President David and 12 Rotarians travelled to The Hostess Restaurant Sookholme Rd, Mansfield for the annual joint meeting with Warsop, Shirebrook and District Rotary. President Elect Geoff Milnes and all of the other members present, made us very welcome. The meal was excellent as was the talk afterwards, which was given by Dr Tim Gray MBE of EMICS (East Midlands Immediate Care Scheme), which he founded in the 1980s. The scheme provides specially qualified doctors to give immediate care, usually following trauma and prior to the patient being admitted to hospital. Remember to put the date of the 6th of April 2020 in your diaries, which will be the 50th Charter of Warsop, Shirebrook and District Rotary.
President David Cromwell chaired the business meeting, on Thursday the 16th of January 2020. President David confirmed that a donation of £750 had been made to Hasland Baptist Church, to support its work in Malawi and £2,500 has been given to Ashgate Hospice, following the Christmas collection at Sainsbury's.
Maurice Poole, PHF, ran the monthly Foundation draw, which was won by PP Henry Marsh PHF (1st) ,PP Malcolm Smith (2nd) and Phil Round (3rd); and the twice-yearly super draw, which was won by Bill Ervine.
Hollingwood School hosted the 5th meeting of the RotaKids group and the Rotary Junior Community Awards on Tuesday the 14th of January 2020. The RotaKids have so far raised £200 and collected books and pencils for needy children in Africa - Well Done!
Happy New Year to all! 2020 was kicked off by our first meeting of the new year, on Thursday the 9th of January, at the Proact Stadium, where 35 members were present. President Elect John Hull and host Arnold Fear introduced our latest member, David Cohen, who spoke to us about his career as an Osteopath. David, started life as a journalist but, after a serious car accident, took an interest in manipulative healing and went on the qualify, in the subject, opening clinics in Lincolnshire. David explained how, as well as his many adult clients, he has also treated animals and newborn babies. David told us that many newborns respond to gentle cranial manipulation and horses, because of their strength and size are usually sedated before the techniques can be used on them. Professor Derrick Willmot thanked David for enlightening us on such an interesting subject.
President David, welcomed members and guests to the Christmas party, held at the Proact on Thursday 19th of December 2019. The evening began with a short violin recital by 11 year old music student, Annabella Senior, who receives a music bursary from Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary. Anabella's parents told us that she had recently been awarded a distinction at level 6 for the piano. Rotrian David Melton organised the evening, which went very well indeed and was rounded off by performance of singing and humour by Mike Tipler, Steve Andrews and their accompanist Chris.
PP Peter Blake PHF is pictured receiving a prize from PP Peter Beardsley PHF, for all his help over many years, appearing as Santa at the senior citizen's Christmas Party.
Eveyone gave congratulations to David and Pat Melton on the occasion of their 55th wedding anniversary.
Our special thanks to Rotarian Phil Round, the collection team, Sainsbury’s of Chesterfield and all its customers who helped raise over £2,000 at the Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary collection, on behalf of Ashgate Hospice, this weekend! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
President David Cromwell presents Cliff Lea, with a donation to help with the restoration of Sir Richard Arkwright's Mill, in Cromford. Cliff came to our meeting of Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary, on Thursday 12th December 2019, as the guest of PP Malcolm Smith, and spoke to us about the ‘First Oil Refinery, at Riddings, Near Alfreton in 1847’ PP John Coker thanked Cliff for his excellent and polished talk on such an interesting topic of local history.
President David Cromwell of Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary and President Christine Heathcote of Chesterfield Scarsdale Inner Wheel, welcomed members, guests and local residents to the annual Christmas Carol Service, held at Wingerworth Parish Church on Tuesday 10th December 2019. Music was provided by Chesterfield Phoenix Concert Band, who not only performed very well indeed, but also donated half of their usual fee to Rotary charities. Afterwards, refreshments were served in the Church Centre. The event was organised by PP Alan Goodall, PHF and his wife Marie.
Tuesday 10th December 2019 - RotaKids & Rotary Junior Community Awards at Hollingwood Junior School - run by Rob Wallace, PHF.
Thurs 5th December - Business Meeting
Santa and his helpers made an appearance on Sunday 1st December 2019 at St John's Church Hall, Walton when over a 100 attend the Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary Senior Citizen's Christmas Party, organised by PP Rodger Heathcote.
Thursday 28th November - Speaker Meeting Host - PP Brian Harrison PHF
President David Cromwell chaired the weekly meeting of Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary on Thursday 21 November 2019. Attendance Officer, PP Clive Robbins PHF reported 31 members were present, plus our guest speaker for the evening Dr Ann Featherstone. Ann, who was introduced by PP Rodger Heathcote, performed many songs from the music halls, including those by Nelly Power, Vesta Tilley and Katie Lawrence. PP George Ling MBE, PHF thanked Ann for her entertaining us in such an accomplished manner. President David reported that the new RotaKids group and the Rotary Junior Community Awards were now well underway, at Hollingwood School. Don't forget that on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd of December our team led by Phil Round will be collecting at Sainsburys, on behalf of Ashgate Hospice.
31 members were present when President David Cromwell chaired the monthly business meeting and Special General Meeting, at the Proact Stadium in Chesterfield, on Thursday 14 November 2019. The SGM confirmed officers of the club for the coming Rotary year, 2020/21 as: President - John Hull President Elect - PP Alan Goodall PHF Vice President - Peter Bateman Secretary - PP David Foster PHF Treasurer - PP Roy Cutt PHF
After the business meeting, Maurice Poole PHF ran the October Foundation Draw, which was won by John Day with Neil Baker and John Grant taking 2nd and 3rd prizes.
President Elect John Hull chaired our weekly meeting, at the Proact Stadium in Chesterfield, on Thursday 7 November 2019. 32 members were present to hear the Reverend Jonathan Brook speak to us about the Lighthouse Charity Shops and Valley Cids (Christians Involved in Developing Society), which began in and around Swanwick and Heanor, but has extended to other areas, including Chesterfield.
Jonathan, a former printer and a Vicar in Clay Cross, spoke to us with enthusiasm, about the work in 'Blend' Youth Projects, Turner Farm, Cids, 'Quest' Exploring Faith in Schools and the 36 Lighthouse shops, which fund a charity spend of £450,000 a year. Pres. Elect John gave Jonathan a cheque for £100 as a donation to the charity.
It is with great regret that we have to announce that one of our founder members, PP Harry Reeve, passed away on Sunday the 3rd of November 2019. Harry was a great Rotarian: he and his wife Rosemary made me (Neil Baker) and my wife Jill very welcome at our very first joint president's party back in 2007. We offer our sincere condolences to Rosemary and all of the family.
On Thursday 31st October 2019 members listened to Digital PCSO Sarah Dufton educate us on Cyber Crime and ways to protect ourselves from the growing menace of cyber criminals, who target children as young as 4 years of age. President David Cromwell was in the chair with 39 members being present.
Thursday the 24th of October 2019 was World Polio Day. Rotarian Peter Bateman thanked members who worked with him this week to light up buildings, in Chesterfield, purple in aid of the effort to eradicate polio from the planet - we are nearly there!. President David welcomed Miles Ellis and his wife Margaret. Miles spoke to us about the people and way of life in Myanmar (Burma) - the country of gold pagodas. PP Derrick Willmot thanked Miles for his presentation and for his photography, which was a great treat.
Thursday 17th of October 2019 saw the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, held at the Proact Stadium, chaired by President David Cromwell. PP Clive Robbins PHF reported that 32 members were present.
The President welcomed David Lomas, a former founder member of the club, who was the guest of Jim Crowther.
Mike Miler introduced our speaker, Charlotte Mitchell who gave us a lovely talk on the Chesterfield Museum, from its beginnings as a small room in the original part of the Stephenson Memorial Hall to this years’ celebration of the 25th anniversary of the modern museum.
During the week, several members visited Hollingwood Primary School for the first meeting of the new Rotakids Club, which was set up in June of this year. Afterwards those members also mentored the young people participating in this years’ Rotary Junior Community Award.
International Chair Peter Bateman reported that 3000 Crocus bulbs were being delivered to Deer Park School, in Wingerworth, to be planted by the school children as part of the Rotary purple for polio scheme.
PP Rodger Heathcote – Community Service Chair – also reported that 200 trees had been purchased to be planted by Derbyshire County Council staff at Markham Vale. We’re doing our bit for the environment!
The September Foundation Draw, run by Maurice Poole PHF, was won by Clive Bolland with Alan Goodall and John Bown taking 2nd and 3rd prize, respectively.
Thurs 10 October 2019 – Business Meeting President David Cromwell chaired the monthly business meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, held at the Proact Stadium on Thursday 10th of October 2019. Past President Clive Robbins PHF reported that 32 members were present.
President David Cromwell chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, held at the Proact Stadium on Thursday 3rd October 2019, at which 37 members were present. In addition, the President welcomed visiting Rotarian, David Cohen of the Dronfield Club and our speaker Drew Lilleker. Drew entertained members with a fascinating talk on the history of the Model T Ford - in its day 'the car for everyone' - which he collects. Drew explained how he currently is his specially assembled Model T - the Rainbow Car - around car dealerships in Chesterfield, so people can tie ribbons to it and thereby help raise much needed funds for Ashgate Hospice. Below is a picture of President David handing over a donation to help with that collection.
President David Cromwell with club members and their wives at the President’s reception during the District Conference at Scarborough 4th to the 6th October 2019. Happy birthday too to Arnold Fear.
Thursday 26th September 2019 - Scatter Meeting as 20 Members were away on the Croatian Cruise.
Thursday 19th September - Vice President Alan Goodall PHF chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, at which 32 members were present. VP Alan is pictured with Asia Sutton, before she leaves the Proact Stadium to embark upon her higher education course at Leeds University. Members had a collection for Asia to thank her for her work, as part of the Proact team, who help make our meetings such a success. PP Peter Stevens ran a picture quiz of famous buildings and scenes from around the world.
President David Cromwell enters into the spirit of the Last Night of the Proms Evening, at the Proact Stadium, on Saturday 14th September, which was organised by VP Alan Goodall, PHF and David Melton.
Members, wives and partners pictured in Hathersage on Thursday 12th September for the ‘Bronte Walk' led by Ellen Outram, Blue Badge Peak District Tourist Guide, which was followed by a very enjoyable dinner at the Scotsman’s Pack - all organised by David Melton.
President David Cromwell chaired the monthly Business Meeting at the Proact Stadium on Thursday 5th September 2019, which was preceded by the Annual Bowls Competition at Holymoorside Bowls Club, which was organised by Rotarian David Hays PHF.
Thanks to glorious weather the crowds flocked in for the ninth annual Ashover Classic Car & Bike Show which this year raised over £14,000 for the benefit of local charities. Organised jointly each year by the Rotary Clubs of Chesterfield, Chesterfield Scarsdale, Clay Cross and Matlock, the event, held on Sunday 21st July 2019 once again provided a showcase for an amazing variety of more than 700 classic cars and bikes from all eras brought by their proud owners for what is possibly the East Midlands biggest show of its type.
A great atmosphere was enjoyed by many car clubs and picnickers as illustrated by American car owner Andy Barker from Sheffield with his group of rock n’roll enthusiasts.
Best Car was adjudged to be a 1959 Morris Mini Minor, owned by Mick Hannen of Chesterfield. This is a very rare early model of what is one of the most significant and influential cars of all time.
Chesterfield Scarsdale Past President, Ron Enock, presents the Best Bike Winner prize to Alan Wood with his magnificent 1962 650cc BSA Rocket Gold Star, in amazing condition despite its regular outings, including trips to the Isle of Man.
The organising committee wish to thank everyone for their continued support, and a big thanks go to all of our sponsors, including the main sponsor, Stoneacre Motor Group.
The weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, held at the Proact Stadium in Chesterfield, on Thursday the 22nd of August 2019, was chaired by President David Cromwell. 33 members and guests were present, including our two speakers and visiting Rotarians Ken Austin and Adrian Perkins from the Church Wilne Rotary Club. President Elect John Hull introduced Ivan Brentnall and Richard Godley, from the Tibshelf Local History & Civic Society, who spoke to us about the Tibshelf Ambulance Corp 1880 - 1939 "From Miners to Medics". John Day thanked Ivan and Richard for informing us about such a go-ahead and worthwhile society.
President David Cromwell welcomed Dr Tony Bethell from the Rotary club of Dronfield and Ann Norris of Eckington and District. Tony, the guest of Clive Bolland, spoke to us on Indonesia - "The Land of Fire, Ice and Chocolate" where his daughter and son-in-law are working hard to develop their factory, so local people can produce sustainable chocolate, grown in the region. The company - Alam Bumi Enterprises- in English means Fruit of the Earth.
30 members were present when President David Cromwell chaired the monthly business meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, held at the Proact Stadium in Chesterfield, on Thursday the 8th of August 2019. The President welcomed Brian Rutter from the Dursley Rotary Club in Gloucestershire. Maurice Poole ran the monthly Foundation Draw, which was won by Clive Robbins with Andy Warwick taking 2nd place and John Grant 3rd.
Dreadlocks and party gear on display at the Caribbean Street Party on Sunday 4th August 2019 at VP Alan and Marie's home, which raised £640 for charity.
President David Cromwell chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale on Thursday the 1st of August, at the Proact Stadium in Chesterfield. 41 were present including our speaker James Shooter and his guest Harry Caldicott, both sons of members of Scarsdale Rotary, together with visiting Rotarians PP Mel Askew and Silvia Netley from the Matlock club. James, a game keeper, nature guide and photographer, gave an interesting and provoking presentation of photographs he takes of wildlife in Derbyshire and in the mountains of Scotland, where he now lives and works, with the Big Picture Media.
President David Cromwell with George and Jackie from Chesterfield Street Pastors, who were John Grant's guest speakers at our meeting on Thursday the 25th of July. Chesterfield Street Pastors have been doing their work in this community since 2011. Jackie told us there are 40,000 street pastors in the UK and that in addition to individual donations, the Chesterfield group, which has representatives from 17 of the Town's churches, is supported by the Borough Council and the local Police. The pastors are there to help anyone who finds themselves in distress or in need on local streets. PP Brian Ashall PHF thanked George and Jackie for the sincerity shown in their talk and for the valuable service they perform in the community. President David, on behalf of the club, was pleased to make a donation to this worthwhile charity.
Rotarian Phil Round's report on the Ashover Car Show which took place on Sunday 21 July 2019.
A huge thank you to everyone who helped with this event, poster fixing, site preparation and on show day.... you know who you are..... I greatly appreciated all of the support received from club members.
We had great co-operation and support from Matlock, Clay Cross and Chesterfield clubs supplemented by past Rotary club members, Stuart Bradley et al, badged as the 'Stateless' who are essential to the successful running of the show.
Just a special mention for Dee Foster and Margaret Hayes who provided a haven for rest and refreshments to our troops in the Scarsdale bunker amongst the show cars...thank you.
The weather was kind and we had a fantastic day, a brilliant range of show vehicles and a great response from visitors.
Initial indications from Show Committee Treasurer, Roy, is that the show should clear £13,600 enabling £3,400 to be distributed to each of the four participating Rotary Clubs, an excellent financial result.
President David Cromwell chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, at the Proact Football Stadium on Thursday the 18th of July 2019. PP Neil Swanwick PHF and Chair of the District Foundation Grants Committee gave a presentation to the cub on the workings of the grants procedure and explained where our Foundation grant contributions go to. PP Rodger Heathcote gave the vote of thanks.
Members , their partners, guests and friends relaxed at the Presidents' Party for the new Rotary Year, held on Sunday 14 July 2019, which was hosted jointly by our club President David Cromwell and President Chris Heathcote of Chesterfield Scarsdale Inner Wheel. Our thanks also go to Elizabeth and Rodger.
33 members were present on 11 July 2019 to see ADG Melany Holmes hand over the cut glass decanter for the Foundation Award, the Martin Tubbs Trophy and the other two awards previously mentioned by DG Cheryle. Members were interested to hear PP Arnold Fear, PHF give a presentation to the club on "English as She is Spoke".
At the Rotary meeting held at the Proact Stadium on Thursday 4th July Rotarian David Cromwell was installed as President of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale for the year 2019-2020 by retiring President Ron Enock, PHF.
President David said, It is a privilege to be the 39th President of Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary Club. Those of you who attended the Club Assembly when the DG and the ADG of the District were present will have heard of the extensive programme of activities for the coming year. I am extremely grateful to those many members who have taken up office and duties in order to deliver such a challenging programme of fundraising and social activities. Another pleasing aspect of our club is that, despite its large size, all members contribute in one way or another in the running of the club. Such support is what makes the club such a pleasure to be part of, ensuring that many charities and organisations benefit from our donations. Our outgoing President Ron oversaw an outstanding year for the club and we all appreciate his efforts and commitment during his year of office. Finally, I hope all members enjoy the coming year and the friendship and fellowship of one another.
District Governor Dr Cheryle Berry MBE PHF; Sheffield Rotary Club President & Assistant District Governor, Melany Holmes PHF & President Ron Enock PHF attended at pre-meeting at our club on 27th June 2019. DG Cheryle presented the Charter and badges of office to the first Rotakids Club in the District. 20 pupils from Hollingwood Primary School have decided to become Rotakids for the coming Rotary Year 2019-20. The new club officers from Year 5 are: President Harry Smith; Vice President Miah Booth; Treasurer Phoebe Watson and Secretary Jessica Fielder. The Rotakids club received a donation of £50 to start them off and we wish them every success in their aim to support charities and do good works in the community.
24 pupils also received the RJCA (Rotary Junior Community Award) certificate and badge, presented by President Ron and Rob Wallis, PHF, who organised the event and heads up the Community Service and Youth Committee.
All children receive a copy of the Rotary Diary for Life.
DG Cheryle later wrote to President Ron "Thank you both so much for a really great Evening with your Youth Awards and Charter Ceremony for the new Rotakids Group at Hollingwood School. The Children were a sheer delight and it was a very moving moment when they said their Rotakids Pledge. I had Tears in my Eyes and a Lump in my Throat. All the Children receiving Youth Awards were so proud and the Support from Parents was fantastic. I am full of admiration for all you have done in Youth Service this Year and delighted that I was able to Award your Club the Rami Seth Youth Trophy. I also awarded your Club the Best Project Award (Ernest Pappin Trophy) for the Prostate Cancer Screening and The Foundation Award( Martin Tubbs Trophy ) for your super Foundation work. Well done on a truly great Year !!"
Our thanks also go to Head Teacher Angela Huthart, all the staff and the parents for their support with making the award scheme such a success.
Barrie Thompson & PP John Coker also reported on the annual Rotary Kids Day Out to The National Space Centre, which took place on Wednesday the 26th of June and was attended by 28 pupils and 3 teachers from William Rhodes Primary & Nursery School, Hunloke Avenue, Boythorpe. Head teacher, Rachel Purvis, kindly took the trouble to write to the club thanking the guys for giving up their time and for the energy to support the trip, which is greatly appreciated by the children and goes some way to help increase their age related expectations in their knowledge of the world, at large.
Below, is a photo of the Rotakids and those with their RJCAs.
President Ron Enock PHF chaired the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale, held at the Proact Stadium, on Thursday the 20th of June 2019. PP Derrick Willmot introduced Gabbie Pattison, Irene Cooper and Roger Jenkinson from Guide Dogs Chesterfield. The President also welcomed Phil Cooper from New Zealand and PP Ann Norris PHF from the Rotary Club of Abbeydale, Sheffield. President Ron is pictured with Gabbie, Irene and Demi - presenting a cheque for £100 to the Guide Dogs charity. Demi is Irene's current guide dog. Irene told us how she has been a guide dog owner since the age of 21 and has become greatly attached to Demi. Gabbie explained that it costs £60,000 to train and look after a guide dog throughout its working life or £5 a day. Bill Ervine said he was privileged to offer the vote of thanks to Gabbie and Irene and wished them continued success in their work raising funds for such a worthwhile charity. Bill Preston reported that, despite the challenging weather, last weeks' golf day raised £3,914.82 for charity. Our thanks to the 35 entrants, Bill, Paul, Andy, Rodger and all who helped and those who sponsored the event.
PP Harry Reeve received his long service award for his 38 years in Rotary.
Below is President Ron presenting Mike Miller with his award for 37 years' service to Rotary.